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Child Safety Around Porta Potties

April 4, 2019

If you’re a parent, you know just how easy it is for children to get themselves into situations where they can get injured or sick. Even so, you might not have thought about a porta potty as a place that could spell trouble for kids. Before you step into a porta potty trailer rental in Chattanooga, TN with your child, you’ll want to think about protecting your child’s safety and health. Follow these simple steps to ensure your child stays safe and clean: Using good hygiene: As with any bathroom, germs are plentiful due to the presence of human waste.... View Article

Answers to Your Biggest Porta Potty Questions

March 21, 2019

Many people have a love-hate relationship with porta potties. We love that they are there when we need them, whether it’s at an outdoor wedding, festival or sporting event. But we hate the time we spend inside them, due to the smell, cramped quarters and general mess. If you’re researching porta potty rentals in Chattanooga, TN, it’s useful to learn more about how porta potties operate—and especially about how many of the problems users experience are related to the management of the event and not a problem with the porta potty itself. Read on for more info: What’s with the... View Article

Do I Need a Porta Potty Trailer Rental in Chattanooga, TN for My Event?

March 7, 2019

A porta potty is not exactly a “porcelain throne.” Although we pride ourselves on the condition and comfort our porta potties at Pit Stop Portables, we understand that they are often considered second-best compared to going in the comfort of a real bathroom. Too many people have had bad experiences with poorly-maintained porta potties during their lifetimes. So, what do you do when you have VIP guests and you feel a porta potty just isn’t up to par? Well, you can consider one of our porta potty trailer rentals in Chattanooga, TN, of course! Our VIP restroom trailers offer all... View Article

Four Events That Require Porta Potty Rentals in Chattanooga, TN

February 21, 2019

It may still be winter, but if you’re planning an event for this spring or summer, now’s the time to get started. Summer schedules fill quickly with weddings, graduation parties and other events, so it’s important that you start checking items off your party planning list now. One item that should be on your event planning checklist is a bathroom facility plan. As any professional party planner will tell you, having a bathroom plan is essential to the success of any event. While not every event requires having a porta potty on site, there are some events where having a... View Article

Why a Luxury Porta Potty?

February 19, 2019

Everyone can spot a porta potty from a mile away, with its distinctive, brightly colored sides and standard sizes. Porta potties are indeed convenient and necessary in a variety of spaces, but sometimes you just need something that brings a bit more class and convenience to your event or site. If you’re still unsure whether you need a regular porta potty or a porta potty trailer rental in Chattanooga, TN, then you’ll need to think through a few factors: the type of event, the volume of bathroom visits and sanitization: Classing up the place: Though regular porta potties work fine... View Article

Pit Stop Portables