5 Porta Potty Facts Your Construction Site Should Know

November 8, 2020

Porta potties and construction sites tend to go hand-in-hand. Whether the job is large or small, indoors or out, if you’re going to have several workers roaming the job site, you’re going to need some porta potties.

If you haven’t considered porta potty construction site use in Chattanooga, TN, then it’s time to understand what you could be missing out on.

Improve productivity

Whether you’re running a massive construction build or you’re just adding a new room to someone’s home, every contractor ultimately worries about improving productivity as much as possible. After all, the longer the job takes, the more resources you’ll use, the more cash it will cost and the more agitated your client will become.

Eliminating the need for your construction workers to head off site when they need to relieve themselves ensures that your workers can stay focused on the job at hand.

Increase safety

Whether you’re exposing an employee to the dangers of exploring the area outside your job site when they leave to find a restroom, or you’re passively encouraging them to spread germs by relieving themselves on site, you’re increasing the sense of danger and threat of disease on your job site. By adding a few porta-potties to your construction site, you can improve the hygiene levels and provide a safe option for your workers’ bathroom needs.

Make the customer happy

If your job has you working in a customer’s home for one or more days, you should consider porta potty construction site use in Chattanooga, TN. That goes double when you’re performing a task that requires turning off the water or working in an area that doesn’t have it. In these instances, a portable toilet can serve as an excellent option for your client, as well as your employees.

Even if you have access to a bathroom, it’s always best to avoid using your client’s facilities. They’ll thank you for it.

Improve morale

Let’s face it—nobody wants to go to work with the fear that they won’t have a place to use the restroom. When the need arises (and it will), having to go without a proper place to do so can result in anxiety and aggravation among your employees.

Providing your employees with a few clean porta potties can make a dramatic increase in morale.

Be sure to rent from the best

If you’re intrigued by the possibilities of construction sites and porta potties in Chattanooga, TN, then make the call to Pit Stop Portables. We can make sure that your porta potties are delivered efficiently and cleaned regularly. We have a reputation for excellence that goes back to opening day, 1964, and we can’t wait to prove it to you.

While you’re looking at porta potties, it’s also a good idea to consider adding a handwashing station on site. This can have a significant positive impact on your site’s overall cleanliness. Want to take things to the next level? We also have luxury trailers! At Pit Stop Portables, we’re here for you. Call today.

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Pit Stop Portables